About These Useful Links
To start with, get to know the lingo.
is a “Glossary & Acronym Guide”, located
on our Regional Transportation Commission's website. If
you want to know the meaning “CEQA”, or
“STIP”, or “SB 375”, or any of a
large number of other acronyms or phrases, have a look at
this extensive (20-page) and carefully formatted
Other pages of interest on our website.
At the moment, we have seven such pages, each of which is
listed in the drop-down menu that appears if you hover
over the “Links” tab:
- An essay by Lewis Mumford:
- “The Highway and the City”, written
by Mumford in 1958. It is still relevant. This is
perhaps the primary guiding document for the Campaign
for Sustainable Transportation. We urge you to read
- Video: Juliana v. United States:
- An excellent 13-minute video on 60 Minutes
with Steve Kroft, aired in early March, 2019. It's
about a famous lawsuit that demands our federal
government stop subsidizing fossil fuels and to
curtail greenhouse gases in order to create a safe
climate for everyone on Earth.
- Interviews with Peter Calthorpe:
- These are three short videos of renowned planner
Peter Calthorpe, describing Transit-oriented
Development, why Portland, Oregon is a good example,
and “Seven principles for building better
- “Parking” of Self-driving Cars:
- A short video, with Adam Millard-Ball talking
about a problem involving self-driving cars. There
is also a link, leading to Millard-Ball's extensive
research on this topic.
- E-bikes:
- An interiew with two owners of E-bikes.
- Songs:
- A few songs you can learn and sing.
- New Urbanism:
- An essay recently submitted by Len Beyea.
We welcome submissions for inclusion on
our website. If you have a piece you would like to see
posted, send us an email by clicking here, and we'll consider it.
A long list of links to external websites, all of
which will appear if you click on the “External
Websites” tab—the last tab in the drop-down
menu that appears if you hover over the
“Links” tab.